Rome - HBO's best show
(Rome's season finale aired Sunday night on HBO. I'm so happy--the show has been renewed for a second season which will air beginning in a YEAR from now!
I adore Titus Pullo. Such a simple brute of a fellow. I couldn't watch Caesar's murder. And I'm devastated Niobe's suicide. (She is dead, isn't she?) I will miss her. I've been renting movies and documentaries about Caesar, Marc Antony, Cleopatra, and ancient Rome, immersing myself in the culture and beauty of the place and period.In honor of Rome, I drew two pen and inks which I'm posting; "Urn" above, which is all about the detail which will not show up here oh well ---- and the drawing to the right of Ss. Giovanni e Paolo, a cluster of Roman buildings including a church and piazza, built on one of the 7 hills of ancient Rome called Caelian. The originals of both of these drawings are 8"x10".
maybe you could set it up so that clicking on the small version of your art brought you to the full-size version? Just a thought. Your blog is gorgeous. And Ken and I adore Rome as well--Pullo is the best character. I also love Octavian, and I hope the show goes on long enough for him to become Caesar Augustus!
I don't have HBO, but! But! Kathy's right. Your blog is beautiful. Maybe you could design my blog?
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