Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Drawing of Emma, early morning on lake porch
Charcoal, graphite, and soft pastel on toned pastel paper
12" x 9"
Posted by
Planet Janet
10:43 AM
Graphite, 12" x 9"
Posted by
Planet Janet
9:41 AM
Friday, November 21, 2008
Wire Man
In my life drawing class, our teacher assigned this as homework to us: create a wire figure of a drawing we did in class. "Wire Man" is about 16" tall.
Posted by
Planet Janet
8:30 AM
Wire Man
In my life drawing class, our teacher assigned this as homework to us: create a wire figure of a drawing we did in class. "Wire Man" is about 16" tall.
Posted by
Planet Janet
8:30 AM
Monday, October 27, 2008
Paint pots
One event at the Old Town Newhall Street Fair a few weeks ago allowed kids to paint posters. I snapped a photo of the paint pots, using my crummy phone camera. Sometimes it takes more interesting pictures than my good camera.
A recent trend I've seen is to use the cheapest, worst cameras possible to photograph and post grainy, distorted photos. It's like effortless abstract art!
Posted by
Planet Janet
6:58 PM
Labels: camera photo paint pots art
I've finally been tagged...
<<these are some of the bloggers I've listed below!
Remember being afraid you'd be the last kid picked for the school team? Well, I've been feeling that way for months because I haven't been tagged to participate in this cyber game. It's a little "social networking game" among blog-owners. I know I shouldn't care when I was tagged, but -- but -- well, you know how that goes. I wanted to be one of the first.
So here are the rules, followed by my list of seven fascinating, titillating, and illuminating facts about myself, and believe me all you Exceedingly Popular Already-Tagged Bloggers out there, y'all be sorry it took you soooooo long to tag me! heehee
I've been tagged by Phyllis M. of "Personal Treasures," a blog about creativity and those who create, at http://personaltreasures.blogspot.com/. Playing tag is a social networking game and a fun way to explore new blogs. The rules of the game are simple:
- Link to your tagger and list these rules on your blog.
- Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog, some random, some weird.
- Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blog.
- Don't forget to let them know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.
About me:
1. I have five brothers and no sisters.
2. My best friend died on the school playground when we were nine (she fell and hit her head)and I still have an orchid from her casket that her mother gave me.
3. I think I have a touch of ESP -- often people come to my mind seconds before the phone rings when they're calling me. Yea, seriously. ("We're All One....")4. When I was 20 an airlines hired me as a flight attendant to be based in Minnesota, and even though I desperately wanted to be a flight attendant, I turned down the job to get married and stay in L.A.
5. I got a law degree without first getting a college degree. (Ever heard the lyrics, "I didn't go to college but I could have!"? My husband loves to taunt me with it.)
6. I was Miss Westchester and Senior Class President in high school.
7. I have boxes crammed full with diaries, scrapbooks, and paraphernalia going back to early childhood years -- boxes and boxes of stuff (unfortunately some are old enough to be "retro").
I am tagging (don't hate me - it's free publicity!):
Dennis Walker Graphics - http://denniswalkergraphics.com/ - Dennis builds websites such as online family photo albums, and is a graphic artist and designer.
Peacay at BibliOdyssey - http://www.bibliodyssey.com/ - Books~~Illustrations~~Science~ ~History~~Visual Materia Obscura~~Eclectic Bookart. Check it out - I love diving deep into this site!
Belinda Del Pesco - http://belindadelpesco.blogspot.com/ - fine (in more ways than one) watercolor artist.
Nancy Eckels - http://nancyeckels.blogspot.com/ - artist of larger abstract oil paintings, bright and beautiful.
Laura Wambsgans - http://laurawambsgans.blogspot.com/ - daily oil paintings, mostly landscapes of Southern California, that will blow you away.Butterfly photographer Dennis Walker: http://socalbutterflies.com/ - Fantastic up-close-and-personal butterfly photographs.
Lorelle Miller: http://lorellemiller.blogspot.com/ - Remarkable street painter, oil painter, pastelist, teacher, and more.
Posted by
Planet Janet
9:16 AM
Sunday, October 19, 2008
In Honor of Halloween -- part 2
I find it only a little bit troubling that my best Halloween images to post are those from my Life Drawing class. Oh well....
This is a study of a head with the skin unfortunately peeled back to expose the skull in certain places.
Drawn in charcoal and graphite.
Posted by
Planet Janet
1:38 PM
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Life Drawing in Honor of Halloween
In honor of Halloween, I'm posting my homework from this week. It's the right hand as seen from a dog's point of view. The thumb is on the left; the large four bones are in the palm of the hand.
A while back I started taking a Figure Drawing class (aka Life Drawing) to help improve my drawing skills. It's so much fun! Mostly we use charcoal on large paper pads (18x24"), but also graphite, ink & brush, and other tools. It really loosens up the hand and arm to draw large.
Stabilo Carb-Othello pencils (brown, navy, white) on Strathmore Artists' Papers Charcoal Sheets (25" x 19") in Velvet Gray.
Posted by
Planet Janet
1:29 PM
Labels: hand skeleton life drawing figure conte stabilo carbothello strathmore charcoal halloween art
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Verus Farnsworth, entertainer & grandmother

Posted by
Planet Janet
9:28 AM
Labels: art deco, art nouveau, catmull, colored pencils, drawing, farnsworth, graphite, marimba, marimbas, musician, sketch, verus
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Brian Williams and tonight's news
Watching the evening news tonight, I got the urge to sketch the host Brian Williams with my new conte pencils -- in three Old Masters colors, plus the tan color of the paper. Brian has such an interesting face, very fun to sketch. While he and some members of the press appear to be interpreting Obama's lipsticked-pig comment in line with their political affiliations (biz as usual), I don't care what Obama subjectively meant. I think he should have chosen a different metaphor so people wouldn't have to decide whether it was a reference to Sarah Palin because of her lipstick riddle or a reference to change, as he now says. Sarah Palin was an obvious and natural connection to make and importantly, a mean-spirited reference, and he should have seen that. He should have seen that.
Posted by
Planet Janet
8:58 PM
Labels: art, brian williams, conte, drawing, sketch, toned paper
Saturday, September 06, 2008
Glacier vacation
The point is, the vacation photographs are up on Flickr for your perusal, or so you can say you did. Either way is fine. Once you're in Flickr.com (no "e"), my username is Flickring (no "e").
www.flickr.com/photos/-janet/, then go to the set called "Glacier National Park") .
Posted by
Planet Janet
5:47 PM
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Bogus Rough Sketch Paper and Blue Conte Crayons
First is the paper. It's a new pad of paper called Bogus Rough Sketch by Aquabee, a 70 weight (almost three times as thick as writing paper) medium brown, and it has a pretty rough texture so it can hold several layers of pastels, charcoal, conte crayons, etc. The brown color can serve as the midtone or skin color for portrait work, as I've done above. It's 100% recycled paper which is great; but it's not acid-free, so if you want it to last longer than you do, you'll need to spray it with that new-fangled magic acid-free-making spray stuff.
>>>>>>>>As an aside: the strangest thing happened when I added the pupils and iris colors -- the brown paper, which is part of the eye color, looked green! If you look closely at the eyes (enlarge it by clicking on the image), between the blue outer ring of the iris and the sepia inner ring around the pupil, you'll see a tiny bit of plain brown paper that will appear green. I love the strange tricks our brain does with color!
Anyway, the SECOND new item: I'm using blue instead of black in the above portrait which is drawn with Conte crayons, a centuries-old medium for drawing. But the traditional drawing colors are black, sepia, sanguine, and white -- rarely is blue substituted for black. The store had no black, so I got the blue. Since blue is the complimentary color of orange, which is a lot like the sepia and sanguine colors, it makes sense that they set each other off so well. I like the blue -- serendipity strikes again!
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Peacock Grouper stippled pen & ink
Peacock Grouper, 4x6", pen and ink
I stippled a bunch of fish eight years ago. That was the first time I tried to make art seriously as an adult. Dot by tiny freaking dot. I don't stipple anymore. I guess you could say I'm an ex-stippler.
I sure do appreciate a well-stippled fish, though.
(In the interest of total disclosure, the tan background of this image isn't stippled.)
Thursday, July 03, 2008
Monday, June 30, 2008
Paris metro art nouveau project: Glue Collograph
Starting in 1900 in Paris, entrances to subway stations were designed in art nouveau style by Hector Guimardas part of the Fulgence Bienvenüe project. Eighty-six of his entrances are still in existence and I think they're beautiful.
I made this collograph using matboard and glue, constructing all of the lines from glue, and after they dried, rolling and daubbing ink on the plate and printing it on an etching press.
I've posted process photos, showing the steps I took to make this, on my Flickr page.
Below are two photographs showing other subway entrances that were part of the project. For more information, see Wikipedia.
Photo attributions:
Left: Tom Fletcher
Right: Michael Reeve
Posted by
Planet Janet
8:52 AM
Labels: art, art nouveau, collagraph, collograph, etsy, fulgence bienvenue, guimard, paris, Planet Janet, printmaking, printsy, relief print
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Drawing of 1937 Fishing Bridge beach at Yellowstone Park
Drawing Day is an annual effort to post one million drawings on their web site, DrawingDay.org.
Posted by
Planet Janet
2:07 PM
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Mod - Digital Art
Fighting a cold, I took to the couch and laptop, and had 1950's fun with digital art. Usually I take photographs and artistically alter them in Photoshop Elements. But this one involved no photographs, just Photoshop. I just made shapes and filled them in, here and there, with subtle colors of pale yellow, gold and dark gray.
Mod, 6 x 8, digital image
Tuesday, June 03, 2008
Gale's Restaurant Art Benefit

Posted by
Planet Janet
9:58 AM
Labels: AIDS, art deco, benefit, charity, Disney, drawing, Gale's, graphite, Grey Goose, Italian, Pasadena, Planet Janet, testing, watercolor
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Original Linocut of 400-year-old Dutch tile

Posted by
Planet Janet
12:45 PM
Labels: delft, Linocut, linoleum cut, printmaking
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
On Linocuts and Oil-Based Inks
Posted by
Planet Janet
4:43 PM
Labels: blockprint, Linocut, linoleum cut, may, oil-based ink, printmaking, relief print
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Santa Paula window bars
I loved the 1950s look of the bars on these windows and thought they deserved a 1950s color palette, so I added one but could not stop playing with it. I made dozens of different color combinations. Here are a couple more:
Posted by
Planet Janet
8:41 PM
Labels: blue, burglar bars, lime, photograph, Photoshop, pink, santa paula, window
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
If I Were Trying to Paint Like Klimt
If I tried to paint in the Gustav Klimt style, circa 1900, this is what my attempt would look like.
Posted by
Planet Janet
11:28 AM
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Finishing Valentine's Day
Posted by
Planet Janet
10:34 AM
Labels: 1920s, 1930s, art deco, art nouveau, bright, decorative, flat, greeting cards, parasol, valentines day
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Happy Valentines Day
After weeks studying and practicing the style of 1920's greeting card art (colorful, flowerly, idyllic scenery, and flat -- no dimension or shading), I've concocted and painted an entire scene from my own little brain.
Here is the first draft, without a background. I found I had limited my choices for a background color or pattern by drawing in the house and the line of the hill behind the couple. Ideas I had will no longer work for a background, unless I paint over the current one. Lesson learned! Plan first, paint second!
For the background, I wanted something different -- a geometric or graphic patterned background (something like the side panels), so the scene didn't look too realistic. I didn't want green grass and a blue sky. But guess what I did? Painted the grass green and the sky blue.
Well, that didn't look right at all. The green and blue were so mid-range that the man and woman disappeared. So I darkened the blue and green. Better, but now it looks like nighttime! Nighttime, with a parasol. Maybe she doesn't want to get a moon-burn.
But it's not too late, and I have a plan. I know some people won't like my plan, but I'm going back to the original geometric pattern idea. I'll post the final result later. First I need to find some ink or paint that will sit on top of the acrylic paint background.
Ta ta! (Or as Jody says, TTFN -- ta ta for now.)
Posted by
Planet Janet
10:02 AM
Labels: 1920s, acrylics, Flowers, greeting cards, pen and ink, process, valentines day, watercolor
Thursday, February 07, 2008
Vintage Valentine
Posted by
Planet Janet
10:41 AM
Labels: pen and ink, vintage, watercolor
Friday, January 04, 2008
When is a Doodle More than a Doodle and Isn't it a Great Word?
Have you heard of a Zentangle? Apparently it's a new aid to doodling, a how-to-doodle primer. They even sell kits for $49 to teach you how to doodle the Zentangle way -- apparently in repetitive patterns, section by section.
My doodle on the left isn't a Zentangle, though it may look like one. I'm not sure how I feel about the concept of doodle instruction. It conjures up paint-by-numbers kits and Bob Ross videos, only not as ... necessary. Aren't doodles supposed to be "mindless" and "aimless"?
But I think I'm being narrow-minded about it. If you google the word Zentangle, the first few hits are from quite zealous Zentanglers. Most feel great about drawing something so well-formed and want to share the art and the experience. One wrote, "I have been calling what I do 'doodles' and kind of felt guilty about not doing any 'real' art. Then HOLY COW - I realized I was Zentangling. . . . " Geez. That reminds me of my mandala drawings (I'll paste one here). Before I had ever heard of mandalas, I had drawn many dozens of them and honestly thought I had invented the art form. Ha! However, I didn't feel guilty about it as a time-waster. Doodling and drawing repetitive patterns is a well-established meditative, relaxing experience. So I say, "Go Zentanglers!"
Posted by
Planet Janet
10:52 AM
Labels: doodle, drawing, mandala, pen and ink, zentangle
Thursday, January 03, 2008
Tuesday, January 01, 2008
Valentine's Day

Posted by
Planet Janet
11:48 AM